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What I've Been Up To.


Now that I’ve been officially elected…

My day starts and ends with Lone Tree city business and I’m learning more than I ever thought was possible. It has all been incredibly inspiring, overwhelming at times, but overall completely amazing to absorb all the information I need to know to serve this beautiful city I call home.

There are many layers to running a city, as most of you probably already know. But if I had to bucket my current tasks into categories, I’m focused on three things; connecting with Lone Tree residents, attending sub-committee and regional meetings, and preparing for and attending council meetings. Let me tell you a little bit more about what each of these buckets means for you and for me.

Resident outreach will always be a priority of mine. Your voice - heard. I will always listen to the feedback from the wonderful people who live in Lone Tree, because I know these conversations can lead to real change and improvements in our community. Hearing about the challenges, as well as the successes, is key to making better decisions for our future as a city. I also just appreciate the opportunity to connect with my neighbors and find ways we can support one another.

Next, I’ve been attending multiple sub-committee meetings - like South Suburban Parks and Recreation, Douglas County Youth Initiative and the Homelessness Initiative just to name a few. This has been a crucial part of my role as I dive into my work as a city council member. Lone Tree continues to be an important part of conversations regionally beyond our borders and I am now part of those conversations.

Last, I sit on the dais with my three fellow council members and mayor during the first and third Tuesday of every month. At 4:30 pm, we have a study session and receive updates on what is happening in Lone Tree, and sometimes beyond too. This is a dedicated time when we are able to engage in conversation, offer up our ideas and have an open dialogue. At 7:00 pm, we conviene for our Council Meeting where we vote on agenda items from building projects to budget and a lot more! Lately we have been keeping busy as Lone Tree works to grow out East, this huge project has been years in the making and I am excited to be a part of ensuring we grow as one bigger community. Council has also been making sure the monies 2E has brought in is spent on road maintenance, our police department, and keeping our high quality life for residents. As I reflect on the passage of 2E, I am incredibly grateful our residents voted Yes on 2E for Lone Tree!

I can’t forget to mention a major highlight of my time thus far on council. I had the opportunity to attend Colorado Municipal League (CML), a state-wide conference up in Breckenridge. This event left a lasting impression on me. I learned so much about state legislation, networked with mayors and council members from all over and set goals for myself to achieve as a new council member. It was a beautiful way to kick off my service to my own community. I’m reminded of how grateful I am to be in this position. Thank you for allowing me to serve you in this role.

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