Stronger Together
I truly believe we are stronger in numbers and I seek to collaborate whenever possible. I know that working together, we can accomplish more and extend our reach, which is why partnerships are so important. I plan to effectively engage current and future leaders through the building of strong relationships, as well as make new connections that will help support our city.
I will continue to build relationships with other Lone Tree business owners, like me, to make sure our city offers an energized and sustainable economy.
I will continuously pursue clarity and effective problem-solving grasping both sides of any given issue. By fostering a deep understanding of diverse perspectives, I know we can navigate through any differences, identify common ground, and collaboratively build meaningful solutions that resonate with shared values.
Fiscal Responsibility
Historically, Lone Tree has always operated as a “lean” city and as a business owner I understand the vital importance of balanced spending and saving for our future.
Also, as a business owner, I realize the importance of fiscal responsibility and saving for the unexpected. With the passage of 2E, my work to earn and retain trust will continue to be a foundational value in my role as Mayor.
Your Voice.
VOTE Marissa for Mayor.